Northwest Coast Beaver Mask by Nisga’a artist Mitchell Morrison


  • Artist: Mitchell Morrison
  • Material: Alder, deer bone inlay in the teeth, & paint
  • Dimensions: 11″ high, 7.5″ wide, 5″ deep
  • Signature: Signed by the artist
  • Price: $1750

Cultural Significance of Northwest Coast Carvings: Northwest Coast wood carvings and basketry play a vital role in the ceremonial practices and cultural heritage of various Native nations along the Northwest Coast. Artists create totem poles, masks, bowls, rattles, paddles, plaques, and more, each serving unique functions and embodying rich traditions.

Totem Poles

Totem poles hold immense significance within Northwest Coast villages. Traditionally, villages erect these poles to honor important ancestors, record histories, and mark significant events. The designs incorporate animal and bird crests relevant to the family’s lineage and mythology, thereby preserving and communicating ancestral stories and cultural values within the community.


Masks in Northwest Coast traditions represent a wide array of life forms, including animals, sea creatures, birds, humans, and spirits. Consequently, they play a crucial role in the spiritual and cultural practices of these communities:

  • Representation: Masks symbolize real and spiritual entities, thus serving as a medium to connect with and influence the spiritual world.
  • Shamanic Use: Shamans use masks to represent their spiritual helpers, thereby invoking aid and warding off harmful spirits during rituals.
  • Ceremonial Use: Moreover, masks feature prominently in various ceremonies, worn during dances and rituals to embody the spirits or beings they represent.
  • Decorative and Protective Use: Additionally, people display masks in homes to protect inhabitants from negative spiritual influences.

Purchase and Explore More

Tribal Crafts offers an array of Northwest Coast masks, bowls, totem poles, halibut hooks, and fine Haida basketry. Many items continue to play a role in traditional ceremonies, thereby preserving and perpetuating the cultural practices of Northwest Coast Native nations. You can explore the offerings at Tribal Crafts to learn more and purchase these unique cultural artifacts.

For a deeper understanding of the carving traditions and cultural significance, consider reading about the historical and artistic context of these items in the book Northwest Carving Traditions.

alder beaver mask

Mitchell Morrison   Nisga’a

Beaver mask

Alder, deer bone & acrylic – 11 x 7.5 x 5 inches
