Wolf with a Salmon Argillite Sculpture by Glen Pollard

Description and Features

Haida artist Glen Pollard from Skidegate created this striking argillite sculpture, showcasing his skill and the rich tradition of Haida carving. Measuring 10 inches long, 5 inches wide, and 3 inches high, the sculpture depicts a wolf grasping a salmon, symbolizing the deep connection between land and sea in Haida culture.

Key features include:

  • Materials: Argillite with inlays of abalone shell, catlinite, and ivory teeth.
  • Dimensions: 10″ x 5″ x 3″.
  • Price: $1600.

Haida Argillite Carving Tradition

For around 200 years, Haida artists have carved beautiful argillite sculptures. These artists, particularly from the villages of Masset and Skidegate, have passed down their knowledge through generations, preserving this unique art form.

  • Materials: Artists source argillite, a distinctive slate rock, from Slatechuck Mountain near Skidegate on Haida Gwaii.
  • Craftsmanship: Renowned for their detailed work, Haida carvers use a variety of hand-made tools to achieve intricate designs.

Carving Techniques and Enhancements

Haida artists use various hand-made tools to shape and carve argillite, ensuring each piece is meticulously crafted. The process involves:

  1. Shaping: Artists begin with coarse tools to shape the argillite.
  2. Detailing: They use finer cutting tools to add intricate details.
  3. Polishing: Fine abrasives remove tool marks and smooth the surface.

In recent years, artists have enhanced their sculptures by adding inlay materials such as ivory, bone, abalone shell, paua shell, and catlinite. These inlays not only highlight the beauty of the argillite but also add unique touches to each piece.

Further Reading

For more information on Haida argillite art, explore the following resources:

These sources provide deeper insights into the history, techniques, and cultural significance of Haida argillite carvings.

large argillite wolf salmon

Glen Pollard    Haida

Large wolf with a salmon

Argillite, abalone shell, & catlinite – 10 x 5  x 3”
