Heber Reece’s Tsimshian Alder Shaman Mask: A Masterpiece of Northwest Coast Carving

Dimensions and Features

  • Height: 18 inches
  • Width: 12 inches
  • Depth: 6 inches
  • Materials: Alder wood, operculum, abalone shell, cedar bark, & paint
  • Price: $3,000
  • Signed by the artist

About the Artist: Heber Reece

Heber Reece, a celebrated Tsimshian artist, was born in the native village of Klemtu, BC, located north of Bella Bella. Known for his exceptional skills, Heber excels in creating masks, totem poles, and rattles. His work deeply embodies the rich traditions of Northwest Coast art.

Significance of Northwest Coast Wood Carvings

Northwest Coast wood carvings and basketry play a vital role in the ceremonial practices of the region’s Native nations. Consequently, these artworks are not only aesthetic masterpieces but also hold profound cultural significance.

Common Items in Northwest Coast Carving:

  • Totem Poles: Villages raise these poles to honor important ancestors, commemorate significant events, and preserve family histories. Furthermore, these poles often feature animal and bird crests that hold meaning to the family lineage.
  • Masks: Artists carve masks to represent various life forms, both real and spiritual. Typically, they depict animals, sea creatures, birds, and human figures. In particular, shaman masks serve to influence spiritual helpers during times of need and sometimes to ward off harmful spirits.
  • Other Items: Craftsmen also create bowls, rattles, paddles, plaques, and halibut hooks, all integral to the traditions and used in ceremonies and daily life.

Heber Reece’s Contribution

Heber Reece’s shaman mask showcases the intricate artistry and cultural heritage of the Tsimshian people. By incorporating operculum and abalone shell, Reece highlights traditional materials and techniques. As a result, his mask is not just an art piece but a cultural artifact.

Purchase and Further Information

If you’re interested in acquiring Northwest Coast wood carvings, visit Tribal Crafts. They offer a range of items, including masks, bowls, totem poles, halibut hooks, and fine spruce root Haida basketry, many of which are used in traditional ceremonies. For more information, visit their website: Tribal Crafts.

To delve deeper into the carving traditions of the Northwest Coast, explore Schiffer Publishing’s detailed guide: Northwest Carving Traditions.

Tsimshian alder shaman mask

Heber Reece   Tsimshian

Shaman mask

Alder, operculum. abalone shell, cedar bark & acrylic – 18 x12 x 6 inches
